(800) 495-3707
What Clients Are Saying

“In only one month we have received over 225 positive reviews from our customers!  We like hearing from our customers and by using the Review Us Now tool, we get instant feedback allowing us to address issues concerning customer satisfaction immediately. Clients can easily upload their positive reviews to Yelp and other social media sites with just a click of a button. This review process gives our company the assurance that all of our customers are being taken care of and that they are truly happy with our service.  We couldn’t be happier with the results.”

– Angie Franke, Aladdin Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.

See How It Has Worked for
Aladdin Air Conditioning & Heating
Why Do Reviews Matter?
79 %
of consumers trust online
reviews as much as personal
78 %
of consumers have
ended a transaction due
to bad service
10 x
value added by loyal
recurring customers after
their first purchase
Contact Us for a Demo
Built With the Business Owner in Mind

Before creating the Review Us Now platform, we surveyed a number of our clients who have had experiences with other review platforms. We asked them what they liked the most about those platforms and what features they thought were missing, then used that feedback to create our own platform that met our customers’ wants and needs. Through our beta-testing process, we listened closely to our clients’ feedback and used.

Client Success Stories

”Our business relationship started with Blue Corona in December 2015.  We were highly recommended to them by a personal friend of ours in the advertising industry.  We are beyond grateful for the relationship that we have established with the team at Blue Corona in the last 16 months.  The results that they have given to us have been overwhelmingly positive.  They presented a new product to us that they had tested with other.” Read More...

Jill Francoforte, Greens Energy Services, Inc.

”Review Us Now is very user friendly. Once I sent out the email blast, I thought we were only going to get a few reviews but we are well over 50 reviews at this point! Each time I open my email – I’m excited to see another one come through.” Read More...

Mimi Edwards, DrinkMore Delivery, Inc.

”Review Us Now has been such a great tool for us. It keeps us in contact with the customer even after the service call. Let’s them know we value thei opinion and business. The Review Us Now process is easy to use and the support team is always there and extremely helpful.” Read More...

Jeanette Jones, Ehler’s Heating & Air Conditioning

”Working with Blue Corona has been one of the best decisions our company could have made. Their friendly knowledgeable staff is always great to work with. From the very beginning of this process Blue Corona provided us with the training and the tools to be up and going almost immediately. In only one month we have received over 225 positive reviews from our customers!  We like hearing from our customers and by using.” Read More...

Angie Franke, Aladdin Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
What Makes Us Better
Post Reviews on Facebook, Yelp, Google+ etc.
Show Average Star Ratings Related to Employees
Send Review Requests via Email or Text
Automated Email Follow-Up
Review and Employee Reports
Review Forms are Mobile Optimized
Ability to Format Customer Reviews
Review Map for Your Website
Notified When a Review Comes In
Note: Feature list is based on features advertised on competitor websites.
Now that you’ve read all of this, what are you waiting for?
Contact us for a free demo of Review Us Now today!